
分类:动作片惊悚 地区:法国 年份:2013 导演:菲利普·戈杜 主演:弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞伯利·兰内尔科琳娜·马谢罗胡安娜·阿科斯塔约翰·利贝罗 状态:高清

简介:Toni Musulin has worked as a security guard on an armored truck for 10 years. One day, with 11.6 mil
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Toni Musulin has worked as a security guard on an armored truck for 10 years. One day, with 11.6 million Euros on board, he drives off without his two colleagues, committing the "heist of the century". Having spent one year planning his robbery, he takes advantage of the flaws in the system that he knows inside out. Leaving his wife and his only friend, he disappears with the m...


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